The Conservation and Outdoor Recreation Education (CORE) course encourages safety and conservation in the enjoyment of the outdoors. Successful completion of the CORE course enables participants to obtain a BC Fish and Wildlife ID (FWID) which permits the purchase of an annual hunting license and participate in Limited Entry Hunting draws. A Firearms License (PAL) is not required for the CORE course. The CORE course includes a multiple choice exam and firearms handling exam. The multiple choice exam is based on the CORE manual and the Hunting & Trapping Synopsis. A minimum of 75% is required to pass the exams. Proof of successful CFSC completion through presentation of your CFSC Non-Restricted Course Report, provides an exemption from the firearms handling exam.
The CORE course is a two day course offered on Saturday and Sunday from 9:00am to approximately 5:30pm in the Clubhouse of the Vancouver Gun Club. For details on the firearms course, please see the Firearms Course page.
Course dates for the Fall are pending. Course in the Fall will offered at a location close to the Vancouver Gun Club.
Course dates can be scheduled on demand for small groups if you provide the venue (rec. room, strata room, work meeting room...). Screen, projector, training kit, even tables and chairs can be brought to you. Minimum 5 participants, there are people potentially willing to join your small group.
Course dates can be custom scheduled for small groups (minimum five).
CORE $160, CFSC (PAL) $189 and CRFSC (RPAL) $94.50. Course fees includes tests and tax.
Pre-registration and prepayment via EMT is required.
You will receive a full refund in the event the course is cancelled (e.g. in response to health orders).
Cancellations by students within 2 days of the course date are not refunded if not for public health reasons.
Please contact Marc at to register or for additional information.